I cannot vouch for how many such videos it takes before you are driven insane, so be forewarned.įor those who have not seen them, this video was basically the first, but this one that quickly followed it more or less established the basic parameters of the meme. The KnowYourMeme link up top has collected some of the most popular ones. If you want (and I warn you to be careful), you can spend hours going through video after video. There were reports of 4,000 Harlem Shake videos being uploaded to YouTube every single day, and over 60,000 being on YouTube already.
It’s gone quite insane (and, yes, we know it’s not “the real Harlem Shake” but so what?) with way, way, way, way too many people, companies and organizations all doing their own versions. People still seem at a total loss how this became “a thing,” but it involves the opening 30 seconds of a song released nearly a year ago, called The Harlem Shake, by Baauer, with the first half involving someone in a wacky costume (often involving a helmet) dancing while others around them ignore it, followed by a bass drop and suddenly everyone around is dancing crazily, often involving costumes, stuffed animals (or real animals), people in sleeping bags and much much more.
Tue, Feb 19th 2013 08:36am - Mike Masnickįor those of you who have managed to avoid the viral sensation of February, known as “The Harlem Shake,” consider yourselves lucky.